In this short tutorial, I’ll be showing you how you can build a Hyper-V Nested Virtual Machine With Multiple IP Addresses at Azure. For more content, stay tuned. Or you can access them early by going to our YouTube channel and subscribing. (Link in the description.) This way, if there’s any new content you will be one of the first ones to experience it.
This is a tutorial of how you can setup your Hyper-V virtual machine! This is one of my first ever tutorial videos on this channel. For more content stay tuned or you can subscribe to our YouTube channel for more tutorials
Have you been followed my previously blog to build up Hyper-V nested virtual machine on Microsoft Azure? If you don’t, you better build it right now, because this is pre-requisites and you will get lots of benefit for your lab or even production environment, you can reference this link and build it. If you did, congratulation! You can create a nested gest virtual machine and install Firewall (e.g. Sophos XG, Fortinet…) for free, why we still need to build firewall at our Azure Hyper-V nested environment? Because it supports lots functions that we cannot get the functions for free from Azure, e.g. server load balance, firewall, SNAT, application filter, IPS…and so on, we also can use it for LAB or simulate issues or POC. I am going to show how to build Sophos XG here.
As we know, you can easy to create VMs, Firewalls, Load Balancers on Microsoft Azure, you also can make routing path change but all of them will cost you lots of money, it depends on how many virtual devices or virtual machines that you created.
Today, I am going to show you how to build Hyper-V nested VM with multiple public IP address, you just need to pay Microsoft for one Hyper-V host with storage space and public IP addresses, you can install firewall, created lots of VMs, load balancer, control routing path, port forwarding and so on, we can use them for LAB test, POC, or even production.
Veeam released the service pack 3a on July, it includes to fix some support issues and it also support some current platforms – Microsoft Windows Server 1803, Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V 1803, Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 1801, Microsoft Windows 10 April 2018 Update, VMware vSphere 6.7, VMware vCloud Director 9.1…. and added support for Direct Restore to Microsoft Azure for environments with ExpressRoute or site-to-site VPN connectivity to Azure.
Today, I received some warning notification emails from Veeam Backup Jobs, they are showing warning as follow:
“Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-0_EB28E537-B0D9-4F9B-80CC-065D6A5E142C.avhdx
Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-1_4291495F-31FD-48D8-8621-64516CB1CE6D.avhdx”
Welcome back GDM fans and let’s continue about the blog about Hyper-V, remember that I am using Windows 2016 Server so I am setting it up a little differently than… Read more »
Hello there GDM fans and today we are going to be talking a lot more about Hyper-V servers! Basically, we are going to be talking a little bit more about… Read more »
Hello there GDM fans and today I am going to talk to you about something called Hyper-V that is for virtualization. Of course, you have to download it first or… Read more »