VEEAM TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS – Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file #VEEAM #MVPHOUR #WINDOWSSERVER #PowerShell

Today, I received some warning notification emails from Veeam Backup Jobs, they are showing warning as follow:

“Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-0_EB28E537-B0D9-4F9B-80CC-065D6A5E142C.avhdx

Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-1_4291495F-31FD-48D8-8621-64516CB1CE6D.avhdx”

I think I can try to clone the old backup jobs and recreate a new backup job and it should fix the issues, unfortunately, the issues still happened. After did some research, we can use Veeam PowerShell cmdlet to clears and resets change tracking data for a VM or specific virtual disk (VHD), the detail steps as follow:

  1. Login to your Veeam management server.
  2. Open PowerShell command promote as administrator.
  3. Veeam Backup & Replication PowerShell is available as a snap-in, not as a module, so we need to install it locally, run follow cmdlet to get start with Veeam PowerShell Snap-in.

    asnp VeeamPssnapin

  4. Run follow PowerShell cmdlet to reset change tracking data for a VM or specific virtual disk (VHDX).

    Reset-HvVmChangeTracking [-Server] <CHost> [-VMName <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


    Reset-HvVmChangeTracking [-Server] <CHost> [-VhdPath <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

  5. In my case, I run PowerShell cmdlet as follow:
    Reset-HvVmChangeTracking -Server GS-N2-ADM -VhdPath " C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-0_EB28E537-B0D9-4F9B-80CC-065D6A5E142C.avhdx "
    Reset-HvVmChangeTracking -Server GS-N2-ADM -VhdPath " C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-1_4291495F-31FD-48D8-8621-64516CB1CE6D.avhdx "

  6. Re-start backup job again and you will see the issues are gone.

    Happy Canada Day! Hope you enjoy this post.

    Cary Sun

    Twitter: @SifuSun

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