Tag: Microsoft

How to Install Veeam Backup & Replication 11a Cumulative Parches

Veeam Backup & Replication 11a cumulative patch P2021123 Released on Nov 26, 2021. This cumulative patch includes the new features, enhancements, and fixes for the original V11a builds.

How to fix Veeam unable to allocate processing resources issues. Error unable to find Hyper-V hosts where VM ‘xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxis registered

If the backup jobs failed and showing error message is Veeam Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: Unable to find Hyper-V hosts where VM ‘xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx’ is registered: Failed to connect to Hyper-V Integration Service on host, port 6163.

How to Upgrade Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 to V5d

Veeam released Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v5d on September 22, 2021, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v5 now has purpose-built backup and recovery for Microsoft Teams. The #1 Office 365 backup makes it easier than ever for users to quickly find and restore Teams data, including entire teams or specific channels and settings.
Today I am going to show you how to upgrade Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 to V5d.

How to Upgrade Veeam Backup and Replication to v11a

Veeam Backup and Replication V11a release on September 27, if you are still using earlier version, it’s the time to upgrade it to V11a. Veeam Backup & Replication v11a is the newer build of version 11 that addresses issues reported by customers on the original build and adds the following new features and enhancements.

How to fix Veeam backup error-host is either not a cluster or has its cluster services unavailable

Today I am going to show you how to fix Veeam backup failed and showed host is either not a cluster or has its cluster services unavailable error message.

How to move Veeam SOBR Performance Tier to another Server (repository)

Today, we help our client to build a new S2D server as new Veeam Repository, now, we need to move the SOBR performance tier from the old repository server to this new server, I am going to show you how to move it.

How to configure Veeam File Share Backup

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With Veeam Backup & Replication you can easily backup and restore content of various NAS file shares. The solution can be flexibly scaled to reliably protect massive amounts of data, even for the largest of enterprise organizations. Today, I am going to show you how to configure it.

How to use Cloud Shell to fix failed to resize virtual machine at #Azure

Today, I tried to resize the virtual machine at Azure, it failed because of the virtual machine enabled accelerated networking for network interface.

If you have the same issues as mine, please follow below steps to use Azure Cloud Shell to disable it and fix the resize virtual machine failed issues.

How to configure notification for #Veeam Backup for #Microsoft #Azure with free #SendGrid account

If you would like to monitor the backup policy result of Veeam backup for Microsoft Azure, the email notification is useful tool to help you to monitor it.
You can follow steps as below to use a free SendGrid account for the email notification at Azure.

How to remove Users (Objects) that were synchronized through the Azure active directory connect tool

Have you been tried to delete users from Azure active directory or office 365 but failed? The error shows couldn’t delete this user because the account is synchronized with your on-premises server. You can delete the user from your on-premise server. If your Azure AD connect server still alive, that’s easy to solve, you can delete the user from on-premise domain controller, it will remove the user atomically. If the on-promise Azure AD connect server is no longer available, you can’t manage or delete the user (object) from the on-premises environment, please follow steps as below to delete it.

How to fix storage space direct cluster file share witness failed

I notice the storage space direct cluster file share witness failed for some reasons today, but when I check the file share permissions, everything looks good. It looks a bug but not sure.

I am going to show you how to fix this issue.

How to Configure the Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controller as Authentication Server at Citrix ADC

Today, I am going to show you how to configure the Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controller as Authentication Server at Citrix ADC.

How to Deploy Microsoft Project Professional 2019 Retail version with Office 365

If you are using Microsoft Office 365 without Project subscription, and you would like to install Vision retail version, it will happen the error message as below:

How to Fix Missing SYSVOL and NETLOGON share and replication issues on new Domain Controller at Azure

Today, I deploy a new domain controller server at Azure after site to site VPN built. Verify the replication status looks fine, but when I check the SYSVOL and LOGON shares folders status, I noticed there is no any shared folder at the new domain controller server.